精神障害者の地域生活過程に関する研究 : 出身地域以外で生活を送る当事者への支援のあり方


  • セイシン ショウガイシャ ノ チイキ セイカツ カテイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ シュッシン チイキ イガイ デ セイカツ オ オクル トウジシャ エ ノ シエン ノ アリカタ
  • The process of life in a new community : supporting mentally ill people from outside of the community





Objective : To clarify ways of supporting mentally ill people moving into a new community, taking into consideration the factor of "hard living" and the targets of livelihood support. Methods : Interview survey of subjects and recursive analysis of quality. Results : The 7 subjects ranged in age from their late 30s to their early 70s. All subjects had experienced community life for the past 6 to 17 years. Local life was grouped into 4 categories : "social isolation", "social experience", "social independence" and "social existence". The following types of community life were then identified :【noticing loss】,【adjusting to discomfort】,【presence of friends】,【getting used to a community setting】,【establishing a life】,【getting used to other people】,【realize themselves exists】and【finding motivation in life】. Conclusion : Community life process is to restructure their identities to conform with the requirements of their new community. The factor of "hard living" was a crisis situation in which mentally ill residents confront community life. Livelihood support is focused on the social and interpersonal experience that is needed for community life, and presents models of community life, reinforces a relaxed environment if the mentally ill residents make mistakes, and provides a place for self-expression and the appreciation of others.


群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要 6,41-53 2011


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