

  • ガクセイ ガ チカク スル カンゴガク キョウイン カラ ノ ジッシュウ キロク エ ノ キジュツ ニ ヨル フィードバック ノ 「 ナイヨウ 」 ニ タイオウ スル 「 コウカ 」 : コウカテキ ナ フィードバック ニ ムケテ
  • 効果的なフィードバックに向けて
  • Student Perspectives on the Content and Effects of Feedback from Nursing Faculty on Written Assignments



目的:看護学教員からの実習記録への記述によるフィードバックの「内容」に対応する学生が知覚した「効果」を明らかにし,効果的なフィードバックに向けた示唆を得る.方法:Berelson, B. の方法論を参考にした看護教育学における内容分析を適用し,看護基礎教育課程に在籍する学生1,274名を対象に,質問紙法を用いてデータ収集し,フィードバックの「効果」を問う質問に回答した375名の記述を分析した.また,分析結果である「効果」と第1段階の研究成果「内容」のマトリックスを作成した.結果:看護学教員からの実習記録への記述によるフィードバックにより学生が知覚した「効果」25カテゴリが明らかになった.また,フィードバックの「内容」と「効果」の対応が明らかになった.考察:学生の学習成果に関わる記述に着目し,自己評価に向けたフィードバックを行うことにより,学生の学習意欲の向上という効果をもたらす等の示唆を得た.

Objectives : The aim of this study was to clarify student perspectives on the content and effects of feedback from nursing faculty on their written assignments, and to discuss the details of these effects. Methods : We conducted a questionnaire survey on 1274 students who were taking basic nursing education courses in Japan. Questionnaires were handed out directly to the students after they provided informed consent to participate, and collected by post. A total of 517 responses were received (response rate : 40.6%), among which content analysis was used to analyze 375. This was a second stage study. While the first stage was conducted to reveal the content of the feedback, the primary objective of the second stage was to reveal the effects. To better understand the results, a matrix of the effects of feedback corresponding to the content was created. Results : A total of 25 categories showing the effects of feedback from nursing faculty on students' written assignments were extracted. These categories included : "Assessment is based on information gathering from the numerous sides and evidence.", "Acquisition of a confidence." In addition, the corresponding effects and content of the feedback were revealed. Conclusions : The results of this study suggest ways for nursing faculty to provide more effective feedback to students so that they can learn more from their written assignments.


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