カンゴ ケンキュウ 2 キョウイク ヒョウカ ノ ケントウ : ガクセイ ト キョウイン ノ ジコ ヒョウカ ヨリ


  • 「看護研究II」教育評価の検討 : 学生と教員の自己評価より
  • A Study of Educational Evaluation of Nursing Study II : Using the self-rating reports by the faculty members and students
  • 「 カンゴ ケンキュウ Ⅱ 」 キョウイク ヒョウカ ノ ケントウ : ガクセイ ト キョウイン ノ ジコ ヒョウカ ヨリ



本研究の目的は,第一期生の「看護研究Ⅱ」の学習状況と指導状況について学生と教員の自己評価結果から明らかにすることである.対象は,看護研究Ⅱを受講した学生と指導に携わった教員で同意が得られた学生64 名と教員11 名である.方法は,看護研究プロセスの学習状況および指導状況を問う独自に作成した自己評価10 項目の自記式質問紙調査である.その結果,「研究テーマの設定」は学生60%以上,教員45%が「できた」と評価する一方,「文献クリティーク」は学生,教員ともに評価は低く文献精読の困難さとその指導の必要性が顕著となった.「研究計画書作成」は学生が「できた」と評価する反面,教員は「どちらとも言えない」と評価し文章表現等に指導を要していた.「データ収集」「データ分析」の自由記載からは学生,教員ともに限られた時間で苦慮している状況が確認された.「研究論文作成」「研究抄録作成」「研究発表」は学生,教員ともに50%以上が「できた」と評価し,70%以上が今後の臨床に役立つと評価していた.また,「看護研究Ⅰ」の学習と「看護研究Ⅱ」の学習の積み重ねを明確にする必要性が明らかとなった.

The objective of this study is to examine the learning and teaching situations of the "Nursing Study II "course offered to the first year students enrolled in Bunkyo University's four-year nursing program, by analyzing data from self-evaluations made by students and faculty members. The subjects were 64 students and 11 faculty members involved in the course and who gave written consent for participation. We originally created a selfrated questionnaire comprised of ten evaluation items that inquire about the learning and teaching situations pertaining to the nursing study process. As a result, 60% or more of the students and 45% of the faculty members replied, "Yes, I was able to set-up a research theme." However, both the students and faculty members rated "text critique" low, disclosing difficulty in reading text carefully and demonstrating the necessity of instruction in text reading. Pertaining to "writing a research plan," students replied, "Yes, I was able to write a research plan." On the other hand, the faculty members' simple "Yes" and "No" answers revealed the necessity for more instruction in verbal expression. When asked to elaborate about "Data collection" and "Data analysis," the written comments revealed circumstances where both students and faculty members struggled with time limitations. For "research paper creation," "abstract creation," and "presentation," 50% or more of the students and faculty members replied, "Yes, I was able to do it," and 70% or more rated these items as useful for future clinical situations. Findings also indicated the necessity to emphasize the importance of accumulating knowledge through "Nursing Study I" and "Nursing Study II."





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