リスニング指導からスピーキング指導への橋渡し : スキット・コンテストを活用した中学校における実践


  • リスニング シドウ カラ スピーキング シドウ エ ノ ハシワタシ スキット コンテスト オ カツヨウ シタ チュウガッコウ ニ オケル ジッセン
  • II.人文・社会科学系
  • A Study of Instruciton Aimed at Improving English Speaking Ability Among Japanese Junior High School Students
  • II. Humanities and Social Sciences




本研究は, 千葉大学附属中学校と千葉大学教育学部が行った連携研究の報告である。本連携研究グループではこれまでに英語の「リスニング指導」に関して継続的に効果をあげ結果を公表してきた。本研究は従来の研究を発展させ, 培ったリスニング力をスピーキング力ヘと橋渡しするための指導を試みた結果である。今回の指導実践の効果はプリテスト・ポストテストに加え, 1)校内で開催したスキット・コンテスト, 2)全国から応募の集まるNHK「新・英語スキット大会-基礎部門」への参加という形で評価した。その結果, 1)については公開研究会で行った発表会で参観者から「生徒たちの英語のうまさに驚いた」という感想を多くいただいた。2)については, 応募総数361チームの中から原稿とテープ審査で上位8位に残り, NHK放送センターで開催された決勝大会では, 優勝を果たし, 最優秀賞をいただいた。優勝大会の模様は3回にわたり全国放送された。

This paper is a report on the results and achievements realized in a joint project between the Faculty of Education of Chiba University and its affiliate junior high school. In previous joint projects, which began in 1997, we succeeded in improving students, listening ability. This study is a continuation of that research and is aimed at bridging listening training with speaking training to foster students' basic speaking abilities. 'Basic speaking abilities' in this study refers to the ability to reproduce English skits with proper pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. Thirty students participated in this study. They first studied authentic listening material through CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) until they were thoroughly familiar with the material. With CALL they were exposed to the material repeatedly and received extensive oral input. After they grained an auditory image of the material, the teacher clarified the various sound connections and shifts of intonation which appeared in the material. The effects of instruction were measured by means of both listening tests and English skit contests held inside and outside the school. On listening tests, the participants achieved statistically significant improvements. At a skit contest held inside the school, their performances were evaluated highly by English teachers from other schools. At a nationwide English skit contest held by NHK, the team from Chiba University's Junior High School won the first prize out of 361 teams. Based on these results, we conduded the approach we employed to bridge listening instruction with speaking instruction was successful.

source:Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Chiba University


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