汁液分析によるトマトのセル成型苗の栄養診断 : (第1報)汁液分析法の検討および施肥量の違い, 試料の保存の影響

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  • ジュウエキ ブンセキ ニヨル トマト ノ セル セイケイ ナエ ノ エイヨウ
  • The Diagnosis of Tomato Plug Seedling by the Extracted Sap Analysis : 1. The Investigation of Sap Extraction Method, and Effect of the Amount of the Fertilizer and the Plant Sample Storage

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汁液分析による野菜苗の栄養診断法の確立のため, トマトセル成型苗を材料とし, 汁液抽出時の適正な希釈倍率, 抽出法の検討, 施肥量と苗の生育, 汁液中無機成分濃度との関係, 試料の保存が汁液中無機成分濃度に及ぼす影響を調査した。各無機成分濃度の測定値およびそのばらつきを考慮し, 試料と水の比率は1:19(gFW:ml)が適当であると判断した.一般に汁液中無機成分濃度は, 施肥量を反映するが, 生育抑制が起きるような, 少肥あるいは多肥の場合には, 必ずしも施肥量を反映するとは限らず, 標準の植物に比べて, 少肥で高い, あるいは多肥で低い値を示す可能性があることが明らかとなった.冷蔵条件下(5℃)において保存日数による無機成分濃度の変化が最も小さかったことより, 試料の保存には, 冷蔵が最適であると思われた.また, 汁液分析に供試する植物試料は, 採取後少なくとも3日以内に汁液の抽出, 分析を行う必要があると考えられた.

The extracted sap analysis will become new diagnosis method for assesment of inorganic conditions in vegetable crops. In this study, tomato plug seedlings were used as plant materials, and the suitable dilution ratio and preparation method were determined. Subsequently, the effect of the amount of the applied nutrient and the effect of the preservation method on the mineral concentration in the extracted sap were investigated. Considering the concentration of minerals in the extracted sap and the coefficient of variance, suitable dilution ratio of plant material to water was 1: 19 (weight: volume). The specific mineral concentration in the sap did not follow the amount of given nutrient when the plant growth was inhibited by low or high concentration of the nutrient. The 5℃ condition was suitable for the storage of the plant samples because the change in the mineral concentration in the sap was least. However, it seemed to be better that the sap extraction and analysis be done within three days after sample collection.

source:The technical bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University


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