外資系企業によるわが国研究所設置の現状と課題 : 対日直接投資と研究開発の国際化との関係において

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  • ガイシケイ キギョウ ニ ヨル ワガクニ ケンキュウジョ セッチ ノ ゲンジョ
  • <Article>The Actual Situation and Problem of Establishment of Research Institute in Japan by the Foreign-affiliated Firms : Through the Relation between the Investment in Japan and Internationalization of R&D
  • 論説

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Recently the foreign-affiliated firms have rapidly increased in not only their salings and productions activities but also their R&D activities to secure the japanese marketshare and to apply the japanese R&D resources. In this paper I will study the actual situation of establishment of research institute in Japan by the foreign-affiliated firms in view of the investment in Japan and the application of the japanese R&D resources. As a result, the investment in Japan and R&D activities in Japan will be increasing as far as the japanese market grows and the japanese R&D resources improve. But there are difficult problems of managing R&D activities.

source:Economic journal of Chiba University


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