ロンドンGladesmore Schoolにおける科学教育-多文化環境の中での目覚しい成功例-


  • ロンドン Gladesmore School ニ オケル カガク キョウイク : タブンカ カンキョウ ノ ナカ デ ノ メ オボシイ セイコウレイ
  • ロンドン Gladesmore School ニ オケル カガク キョウイク - タブンカ カンキョウ ノ ナカ デノ メザマシイ セイコウレイ -
  • Science Education at Gladesmore School in London-Achieving Outstanding Success in a School in a Multicultural Environment-



本稿はロンドンにあるGlademore Schoolを訪問し,その際得た校風全般と同校の科学教育に関する考察である。同校は現校長の力強い指導の下,学業成績に関して劇的な変化を遂げ,学業優秀校として認定され,数々の賞もとっている。今回の訪問でこの成功の鍵となった校風と方針のいくつかを確認することができた。まず,校長の力強い指導力とこの地域の出身者であり,同校で長年勤務している教員の愛校心が挙げられる。次に,背景が異なる多様な生徒のニーズに対応したカリキュラムを擁していることもその要因として挙げられる。同様に重要なのは,様々な科目に応用可能な「学び方方略」に力点が置かれていることである。これらは,ポスターの形としても,校内のあちこちに掲げられていたほか,口頭でもよく聞かれた。また,英語を母語としない生徒たちが成功を収めるための周到な準備もされていた。これらすべてがこの学校の成功の要因と言える。すなわち,地域に根付いた共同体意識,目的の明確化,そして学び方攻略が,Gladmore Schoolを目覚しい成功へ導いたと言える。

This report is a description of a visit we made to a school in London in order to gain an understanding of its ethos in general and science teaching in particular. Gladesmore School is a school that is truly part of its community. It has achieved dramatic improvements in its academic results over the past decade under its current head teacher and has received prestigious awards for excellence. During our visit to the school we were able to observe its ethos and learn about the school policies which contribute to this success. We found that the school had strong leadership and loyal teaching staff, most of whom had worked in the school for many years and often came from the local community. It also delivered a curriculum that suited the needs of pupils of a wide range of backgrounds and ability and made use of target-setting and incentives which enabled the pupils to achieve their goals. Extra classes and extra-curricular activities were also provided outside of regular teaching time. Equally important to the success of the school was the emphasis on skills-based learning strategies that could be applied to different subjects. These were enforced both orally and in written form, for example on posters in classrooms and corridors throughout the school. There were also clear policies in place for helping pupils whose first language was not English to achieve their goals. All these factors seemed to contribute to a very positive learning environment, the success of which is reflected in the school's results. Overall the sense of community, the clarity of purpose and the general approach to learning contribule to Gladesmore's reputution for being an excellent school.




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