

  • エンドオブライフ オ イキル カコウキマンセイシッカンカンジャ ノ セルフケア ノ アリヨウ--ケア オ ミチビク カンジャリカイ ノ シテンチュウシュツ ノ ココロミ--
  • Self-care of patients living with chronic illness in the Downward phase of the end-of-life period :Identifying Indicators of their understanding to improve care




The purpose of this study was to identify indicators of the understanding of patients living with chronic illness inthe downward phase of the end-of-life period.Ten patients with chronic heart failure, chronic pulmonary failure, or chronic renal failure were interviewed regardingtheir experience with self-care. All patients had experienced complications and had been admitted to the hospital atleast once during the previous year because of deterioration in their condition.The following 6 categories of patient's self-care were extracted: [Guiding the ending process: balancing the downwardchange in my body and mind], [I have my own history: the process of acquiring value], [Living on a philosophicalstage: resigning myself to my fate and life], [My body depends on others: paying attention to the others who care formy body], [Efforts for dealing and coping with loneliness and anxiety: changing myself or enduring], and [Self–help forthe downward change in my body: the inherent physical sensation and sense of self-responsibility].The following 5 transitional phases of the end-of-life period were extracted: [Just coping with symptoms], [Movingto the next stage of my life because of my deterioration], [Enriching each day on the basis of my prediction of a peacefuldeath], [Living close together with my family], and [Preparing for my death].Each patient's ‘self' includes both a conclusive and transcendent aspect. The identified indicators of patients'understanding of their experience contribute to our understanding of patients' inner dynamic of self-care that contributesto their establishment of self-consistency in the downward phase of the end-of-life period. These indicators can beutilized in end-of-life care.


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