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- フランス第二帝政とパリ・コミューンについて(二)
- フランス ダイニ テイセイ ト パリ ・ コミューン ニ ツイテ(2)
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4 On September 4, 1870, soon after the start of the French-Prussian War (1870-71), an temporary defense government centered on Republicans was established with the uprising of the people. In addition, Parisians consisted of the members of the First International launched a "Central Committee of the Republic of Paris 20 Districts". While the defense government feared the rise of revolutionary forces and proceeded with the truce, it gained nationwide support in the National Assembly election, February 1871. Louis Adolphe Thiers, who was elected Secretary of State in the Bordeaux Parliament, prioritized the end of the war and the restoration of order in Paris. On the other hand, in Paris, revolutionary forces such as the Blanqui faction became major power in a "Central Committee of the Republic of Paris 20 Districts", and the power of the National Guard was also increasing. But, "Central Committee for the National Guard" was a non-partisan mass organization, and was in conflict with a "Central Committee of the Republic of Paris 20 Districts". In March, the population of small bourgeois intellectuals and workers won the commune council election . "Declaration of the Paris Commune" was issued on March 28. However, the government of Versailles cut off communications between Paris and the provinces and launched a second attack against the Commune in April. The Commune Council established "Public Security Commission" (the Revolutionary Government) to oppose the government of Versailles, but suffered complete defeat due to internal conflicts (May 21-28: "Blood Week").
- Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I. Humanities
Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I. Humanities 55 164-178, 2021
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050572512017442432
- NII Article ID
- 120007187764
- 40022778279
- NII Book ID
- AN10587446
- 13426362
- 031882053
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles