1%支援制度に関する実践研究 : 大阪府和泉市「ちょいず」の取り組みから


  • A Practical Study on the 1% Support Program A Practice of “Choizu” Program in Izumi City, Osaka
  • 1%シエン セイド ニ カンスル ジッセン ケンキュウ : オオサカフ イズミシ 「 チョイズ 」 ノ トリクミ カラ



This essay explains a scheme of the “Choizu” program, a 1% support program for community activities and civil activities in Izumi city, Osaka and some issues about it which we found through a decade of practice. The 1% support program is a unique program. A municipal government calculates a funding per resident by dividing 1% of a total revenue from individual city residents’ tax by a number of residents aged 18 or older. Residents aged 18 or older can vote their choice to support to community activities and civil activities. The funding is provided to the activity organizations depending on the voting outcome. This program, “Choizu”, aims to boost and encourage the activities and improve taxpayer awareness. Actually, however, we recognize three problems in practice of the program. The first one is a low turnout, the second one is high operating costs, and the third one is that it can’t grow activities to solve social problems by small groups and organizations. Therefore, this program was quit and a new alternative program started with knowledge and findings from practice in Izumi city.


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