Monte Carlo criticality analysis of random media under bounded fluctuation driven by normal noise


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  • 正規分布ノイズ下での有界空間変動による乱雑化モンテカルロ法による臨界性評価


In Monte Carlo criticality analysis under material distribution uncertainty, it is necessary to evaluate the response of neutron effective multiplication factor ($K_{\rm eff}$) to the space-dependent random fluctuation of volume fractions within a prescribed bounded range. Normal random variables, however, cannot be used in a straightforward manner since the normal distribution has infinite tails. To overcome this issue, a methodology has been developed via forward-backward-superposed reflection Brownian motion (FBSRBM). Here, the forward-backward superposition makes the variance of fluctuation spatially constant and the reflection Brownian motion confines the fluctuation driven by normal noise in a bounded range. FBSRBM was implemented using Karhunen-Loeve expansion and applied to the fluctuation of volume fractions in a model of UO$_{2}$-concrete media with stainless steel.


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