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- キギョウカ ジョウホウ ト リテラシー
- Entrepreneur Information and Business Literacy
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This paper shows some results of the research which we have conducted in 2020-2021. Respondents to Google-forms of our questionnaires are some 100 persons, who are either graduate/students, postgraduate/students, or members of the staff of Nagasaki University. The foci of the research are the impacts of entrepreneur information through media, e.g., website, YouTube, animation, etc., on their interest in start-ups including side businesses, and on the business literacy of those who themselves have filled in questionnaires. Based on their responses, on the one hand, our hypotheses have been supported in part. That is, their interest in their own start-ups including side businesses will be enhanced, and that their interest in others' start-ups will be also enhanced. But it is not enough for our data to clarify the impact of entrepreneur information on the business literacy of respondents. On the other hand, we have found that those whose business literacy is poor are students regardless of his/her major; and not poor are graduate students, graduates, or members of the staff. In the last part, in the light of role models in entrepreneur information which have both hedonic and eudaimonic stimuli unevenly, the direction for future research is discussed.
- 経営と経済
経営と経済 101 (4), 39-56, 2022-03-25
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050573243528814208
- NII Book ID
- AN00069150
- 02869101
- 10069/00041325
- 032079453
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search