「きぼう」での流体物理実験: マランゴニ対流におけるカオス・乱流とその遷移過程


  • Fluid physics experiment onboard the ISS Kibo: Chaotic phenomena, turbulence and their transition process in Marangoni convection



第25回宇宙利用シンポジウム(2009年1月14日-15日, 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部相模原キャンパス)

The Twenty-fifth Space Utilization Symposium (January 14-15, 2009: ISAS/JAXA Sagamihara, Japan)

Fluid physics experiment started on 22nd August, 2008 as the first science experiment on Kibo. The Physics Fluid Experiment aims to perform a series of experiment on Marangoni convection in a liquid bridge in the microgravity. The experimental apparatus were operated by remote control from the Tsukuba Space Center, where people from science and operation teams collaborated. The largest difficulty in the early phase of experiment was existence of bubbles in the liquid bridge. The bubbles grew with increasing liquid temperature. After several days of trails, a new method was developed to rupture the bubbles with use of the Marangoni effect. A long liquid bridge was formed. A set of new data on the transition to the oscillatory flow was obtained and traveling of the hydrothermal wave was successfully observed.

形態: カラー図版あり

資料番号: AA0064297073


詳細情報 詳細情報について

