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  • Measurement of the displacement thickness in sonic venturi nozzles

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28-29 Sep. 1995 (17th). 28-29 Mar. 1996 (18th)

28-29 Sep. 1995 (17th). 28-29 Mar. 1996 (18th)


The real mass flow rate produced by the sonic venturi is different from that theoretically calculated from the throat conditions because of the distorted velocity profile in the core flow and the displacement thickness of the boundary layer at the throat. The discharge coefficient is introduced to correct these effects, but it must be determined experimentally. However, if the sonic venturi is manufactured in the same shape as one used in the theoretical analysis, the discharge coefficient was determined from the theoretical analysis with the accuracy of around 0.1 percent. This means that the flow field around the throat is correctly estimated by the theoretical analysis and the displacement thickness of the boundary layer can be calculated from the discharge coefficient with the same accuracy.

資料番号: AA0000867002

レポート番号: NAL SP-33


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