観応の擾乱後の国大将 : 「武家方大将軍」石橋和義考


  • カンノウ ノ ジョウランゴ ノ クニ タイショウ ブケガタ ダイショウグン イシバシ カズヨシ コウ
  • Kuni-taisho after Kannou Disturbance : Buke-gata Dai-shogun Ishibashi Kazuyoshi’s consideration



Nanboku-cho¯ period, the Muromachi Shogunate dispatched a special military commander called Kuni-taisho to region. Kuni-taisho carried out wide-area activities and played an active part in the settlement of the regions. In this paper, Kunitaisho considered what happened after Kannou Disturbance, when the Muromachi Shogunate changed drastically, using Kazuyoshi Ishibashi as an example. Kazuyoshi Ishibashi has been evaluated as a clan of shoguns rather than as a daimyo. In previous studies, Kazuyoshi Ishibashi was seen as a mere commander dispatched to rural areas. After confirming Kazuyoshi’s activities, he was Kunitaisho, having relationships with samurai from multiple countries and gave them territory. One of the characteristics of Kazuyoshi was that no country also served as a Shugo. It is probable that this was due to Shugo taking control of each country and Kuni-taisho devoting himself to the settlement of the enemy. However, Kazuyoshi’s military activities were unsuccessful, allowing the enemy to invade Kyoto. The reason is that the Shugo’s authority has been strengthened and the characteristics of the Kuni-taisho have been lost. Strengthening Shugo’s authority, especially permitting the benefits of the territory, was in conflict with the authority of Kuni-taisho and confused the region. The local samurai were in a situation of choosing whether to belong to Kuni-taisho or Shugo, which also had the effect of disturbing cohesion. Even after after Kannou Disturbance, Kuni-taisho used staff dispatched from the Shogunate as the basis of his activities. It did not respond to the changing times when it became important to operate on the basis of one’s own territory. Due to Kannou Disturbance, Kuni-taisho was dysfunctional. Such dysfunction of Kuni-taisho was also caused by the change of unification of local integration into Shugo and wide-area managers. Yoriyuki Hosokawa, who was dispatched after Kazuyoshi, coordinated the authority with Shugo and unified it, and as a result, succeeded in settling the region.


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