日本における男女共同参画社会の展開(10) : 札幌市における取り組み

機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Development of gender equal society in Japan: Part 10 : From the Survey of Sapporo City
  • ニホン ニ オケル ダンジョ キョウドウ サンカク シャカイ ノ テンカイ(10)サッポロシ ニ オケル トリクミ



Over the past few years, we four co-researchers have primarily conducted research in the Kansai district on what ideal gender equality should be in Japan. With the help of grants-in-aid for scientific research we had received in 2018 (18K11908; Representative: Taku Tomikawa), we have expanded our study fields to all parts of Japan, and have performed an interview survey of policies favoring men, which have made little progress in Japan.  This report is based on the outcome of an interview survey performed in Sapporo, which is playing an active role as an ordinance-designated city in promoting genderrelated policies, such as the recognition of same-gender partnership marriages. In a survey conducted in March 2019, we interviewed four people: a male manager of the Gender Equality Center, a male activist, a former manager of the Gender Equality Section and a member of an NPO that supports victims of domestic violence. We hereby extend our gratitude for their cooperation.




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