

  • アリミネコ シュウヘン チイキ ノ コガタホニュウルイソウ
  • Elucidation of small mammal fauna in Arimine, Toyama, central Japan



In the Arimine area of Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, I conducted automatic infrared sensor cameras survey and trappinng survey of wild life. In these surveys, I have confirmed two orders, five familys, six genuses, eight species including Japanese water shrew (Chimarrogale platycephalus), Japanese white-toothes shrew (Crocidura dsinezumi), Japanese shrew mole (Urotrichus talpoides), Japanese squirrel (Sciurus lis), Anderson’s red-backed vole (Eothenomys andersoni), Smith’s red-backed vole (Eothenomys smithii), Small Japanese field mouse (Apodemus argenteus) and Large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus). It is the first time in 40 years that the Japanese red-backed vole has been confirmed to inhabit. The Japanese water shrew were newly confirmed to inhabit Sumi-tani. In addition to the six spots in the Nishitani and Inonedaira of Lake Arimine that have been confirmed in recent years. It is possible that they inhabit widely in the mountain streams around Lake Arimine. Regarding the water shrew, it is possible that it will inhabit widely in the mountain stream around Lake Arimine by newly confirming the habitat in Sumi-tani apart from the six spots in the Nishidani area and Inonedaira area of Lake Arimine that have been confirmed in recent years.

富山県富山市有峰地域において自動撮影調査および捕獲調査を実施した.本調査では,カワネズミChimarrogale platycephalus,ニホンジネズミCrocidura dsinezumi ,ヒミズUrotrichus talpoides ,ニホンリスSciurus lis,ヤチネズミEothenomys andersoni,スミスネズミEothenomys smithii,ヒメネズミApodemus argenteus,アカネズミApodemus speciosusの2目5科6属8種を確認した.有峰地域におけるヤチネズミの生息は40年ぶりの記録となった.カワネズミは新たに東谷の渓流で生息を確認し,既知の6地点と合わせて,有峰湖周辺の渓流では広く生息する可能性が考えられる.今後は,今回確認できなかった真無盲腸目モグラ科とトガリネズミ科の地下性小型哺乳類の生息確認調査およびリス科,ヤマネ科の樹上性小型哺乳類の生息確認調査が求められる。


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