A Love of Education and Sense of Mission in the Educational Thought of Morohashi Tetuji, Obara Kuniyoshi, and Sumeragi Shido A guide to teacher’s recognition, acquisition, and embodiment of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Fundamental Law of Education

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  • モロハシ テツジ ・ オハラ クニヨシ ・ コウ シ ミチ ノ キョウイク シソウ ニ ミル キョウイクアイ ト シメイカン : キョウシ ニ ヨル キョウイク キホンホウ ダイ9ジョウ ダイ1コウ ノ タイニン ・ タイトク ・ タイゲン エ ノ テガカリ ト シテ
  • モロハシ テツジ ・ オバラ クニヨシ ・ スメラギ シドウ ノ キョウイク シソウ ニ ミル キョウイクアイ ト シメイカン

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A love of education and a sense of mission for education, which are inextricably linked, are, of course, immutable human qualities required of teachers in any age. In addition, a love of education and a sense of mission for education are the source of a strong and flexible mentality that is solid and unshakable, needed teachers in today’s uncertain and difficult times. This article, as a guide to teachre’s recognition, acquisition, and embodiment of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Fundamental Law of Education, discusses a love of education and a sense of mission for education in the famous educational philosophies of three people, i.e, Morohashi Tetuji, Obara Kuniyoshi, and Sumeragi Shido.


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