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  • Construction of a Kaou Image Retrieval System????


花押とは,その人物を示す署名(サイン)である.本研究では花押画像ファイルを入力にとり,花押彙纂データベースの25,000 枚の花押画像の中で類似する画像を求めるシステムを構築した.類似度算出のための画像分析には,OpenCV を使用し,AKAZE に基づき画像の特徴点を抽出する.2 つの画像間の類似度は,特徴点の距離の合計値を特徴点の数で割ることで算出している.全体の処理はPython で記述し,画像検索のためのWeb アプリケーションにはFlask を活用した.類似度計算と花押画像検索のそれぞれで評価実験を行った.

Kaou is a signature of a person. In this study, we constructed a system that takes a kaou image file as input and searches for similar images among 25,000 kaou images in the Kaou Collection Database. We use OpenCV to analyze the images for the similarity calculation, where feature points are extracted from the images based on AKAZE. The system calculates the similarity between two images by dividing the total distance between the feature points by the number of feature points. The entire process of the system was written in Python, and Flask was used for an image retrieval Web application. Evaluation experiments were conducted for both the similarity computation and the image retrieval.


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