国際的再生型事例 —タイでの過去生記憶を持つ子どもの事例—


  • An International Case of the Reincarnation Type: A Case of a Child Claiming to Have Lived in Thailand



This article reports an international case of the reincarnation type. The participant of the study is a Japanese child living in the western part of Japan, who, at the age of 5 years and 5 months, started talking about his past-life memories in Thailand as a police officer. He made numerous statements and a number of utterances which he claimed to be the language he had used in his past life. He kept talking about the life for more than a year and even at the time of the writing of this article (December, 2022), he appears to have some vivid memories. The basic part of the story has been consistent and seems to be reflecting real experiences in a different country from Japan. Some of the knowledge he has is quite specific and appropriate for the person the child claims to have been his past-life personality. Also, some of the words the child uttered appear to be authentic Thai (language). However, the information provided by the child is not specific enough and the case remains unsolved at present.


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