美術表現研究 講義「幼児表象画」コンバイン〈結合図〉の描画発達


  • Study on Expressions in Art based on the Course, Young Children's Representative Pictures: Drawing Development during the Combine Stage
  • ビジュツ ヒョウゲン ケンキュウ コウギ 「 ヨウジ ヒョウショウガ 」 コンバイン 〈 ケツゴウズ 〉 ノ ビョウガ ハッタツ



[Abstract] In the development of pictorial representations, young children first make scribbles and then diagrams, combines, and aggregates. In these stages, through real experiences with the emotional and physical development as well as the accumulation of experiences in living, children independently explore and develop self-awareness and ability to think and express something. This paper considers the development of expressions and the involvement of young children in drawing activities by analyzing their graphical representations that show the transition from the combine through aggregate stages, where children experimentally make combinations of the line and shape patterns they have acquired to actively attempt to create designs. [要約] 表象画の発達は、スクリブルからダイアグラム〈単体図〉を経てコンバイン〈結合図〉、アグリゲイト〈集合図〉へと移行し、心身の発達、生活体験の広がりとともに実体験を通して自己の認識、思考、表現への探索と構築が主体的に進められる。本論では、コンバイン〈結合図〉からアグリゲイト〈集合図〉への移行が表れる幼児表象画の作品分析から、これまで獲得した描画形態を実験的に構成し、新しいデザインへの試みが意欲的に展開されるこの時期の表現の発達と、子どもの描画へのかかわりについて考察する。


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