Do psychological characteristics cause changes in mood while listening to music?

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  • 心理的特性によって音楽聴取における気分変化に違いが生じるのか
  • シンリテキ トクセイ ニ ヨッテ オンガク チョウシュ ニ オケル キブン ヘンカ ニ チガイ ガ ショウジル ノ カ

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Purpose: This study clarified whether mood changes during music listening occur according to listening preferences, gender, and personality tendencies, in addition to differences in musical tunes, which have not been analyzed previously. Methods: One hundred four male and female subjects were divided into two groups and asked to listen to music with different tunes. Then, a questionnaire survey was administered, including a cover sheet, a personality assessment instrument, and a measurement of mood change before and after music listening. Results: No significant differences in preferred and gender were found between the two groups regarding listening preferences. Significant differences in mood change were found between musical tunes and gender. Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between personality tendencies and gender regardless of the tune. Furthermore, significant differences were observed between personality tendencies and gender for each tune. Conclusion: There was no consistent difference in music preferences among the participants in this study according to the tune or gender. There were many differences related to other factors compared between genders, suggesting that musical factors do not affect both genders in the same way.


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