日中両言語における極端とりたて表現の対照研究 : "连"の文法化と省略をめぐって

機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • A Study on Extreme Focus Expressions of Japanese and Chinese : Examining Grammaticalization and Ellipsis of LIAN
  • ニッチュウ リョウ ゲンゴ ニ オケル キョクタントリタテ ヒョウゲン ノ タイショウ ケンキュウ : "连"ノ ブンポウカ ト ショウリャク オ メグッテ



This paper contrasts the syntactic features of extreme focus expressions in Japanese and Chinese. The extreme focus expressions of both Japanese and Chinese languages productively focus on nouns and noun phrases. In contrast, there are certain restrictions when emphasizing predicative elements such as verbs and adjectives. The Japanese extreme focus expressions have a rich variety and appear in relatively fixed position in a sentence while most Chinese extreme focus expressions have converted from adverbs and show intermediate characteristics. This paper argues that the Chinese preposition LIAN has gradually grammaticalized and come to function as an extreme focus marker due to the "distance-marking" principle and the "identifiability precedent" theory. The extreme focus marker may be omitted, but the ambiguity caused by the ellipsis can be eliminated by placing prominence in spoken language.


  • 言語の普遍性と個別性

    言語の普遍性と個別性 14 169-189, 2023-03


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