[論文] 鹿児島市不動寺遺跡の古代・中世


  • [Article] Ancient and Middle Age of Fudoji site, Kagoshima City




The Fudoji site is a complex site from the Jomon period to the early modern period located in Shimofukumoto-cho, Taniyama district, in the southern part of Kagoshima city. The Taniyama district originated in the ancient Taniyama county of Satsuma province, and in the “Kenkyu 8th year Satsuma Province Zudencho”, it was seen that Taniyama county was Yorigori of Shimazu no sho, and in the early modern period it was designated as Taniyama township.The ancient Taniyama county is one of the “Hayato-gun” where Hayato lived, and according to “Wamyo Ruijusho”, it consists of two townships, Taniyama and Kusa. It existed in middle / upstream and downstream areas of the Nagata River, that is, on the west and the east sides. No clear remains of the Nara period have been confirmed at the Fudoji site, and it is thought that the remains of the Nara period were outside the range of the Fudoji site and on the upstream side of the buried river. Relics from the Heian period such as green glazed pottery, early trade pottery (Etsushu kiln celadon, etc.), and Inkstones were excavated . Remains of the any aristocratic person’s residence, water supply-like remains, pond-like remains, cremation tombs, circular groove tombs, burial remains of Haji potteries have been detected. Although the remains of the Guuke (a county office) have not been confirmed in the 9th century, it is highly possible that the Taniyama Guuke was located there, and after that, it began to function as a residence for influential people with a garden pond. A cremation tomb of bone ware in the latter half of the 10th century was excavated at the site of Taniyama Yunba Castle, which is about 500 meters south–southwest of the Fudoji site. In addition, from the latter half of the 10th century to the first half of the 11th century, a circular groove tomb closely related to northwestern Kyushu was operated, and it is highly possible that the burial person had a relationship with northern Kyushu. The remains of the 12th century are no longer confirmed at the Fudoji site.In the 12th century, the center of Taniyama county moved to Kitahumoto site, which was located on a sand dune-like micro-high ground about 1 km east. It is thought that the background to this movement of the center was the advance of Satsunan Heisi, whose representative existence was Ata Tadakage in the middle of the 12th century, to Taniyama county. In the early modern period, a Jitokariya was set up here, and the Taniyama Fumoto was placed there.



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