- タイトル別名
- ホイクシャ ヨウセイ カテイ ニ オケル ヨウジ オ タイショウ ト シタ ウンドウ アソビ ノ カンキョウ コウセイ ニ カンスル ケントウ(ダイ2ホウ)
- A Study on the Environmental Composition of Physical Activity for Early Childhood Children in the Childcare Teacher Training Course —2nd Report—
In the present study, university students attending a childcare worker training course worked on creating a place for exercise play for kindergarteners with a free concept, and through directly observing how the children actually experiences the created places for exercise play. The purpose was to examine the results and issues that could be obtained. ₄₈ second- and third-year university students attending the nursery school training course at Hiroshima Jogakuin University worked on creating an athletic playground, and in fact, created an athletic playground for ₇₄ ₅-year-old children attending Hiroshima Jogakuin Gaines Kindergarten. As a result of looking back, it was suggested that the students were able to work hard on the production so that the children could enjoy it in cooperation with their peers, which gave them a sense of fulfillment. In addition, it became clear that by having the children actually experience the exercise field created, they were actively thinking about how to be involved with the children as a childcare worker and trying to act.
- 広島女学院大学幼児教育心理学科研究紀要
広島女学院大学幼児教育心理学科研究紀要 7 25-37, 2021-03-13