東濃地方の芝居等文化資源記録プロジェクト : コロナ禍における恵那市地歌舞伎保存会の活動と飯地ふるさと民俗資料館資料について



This project had planned to document the reality of ji-kabuki transmission in Ena City, focusing on the activities of the Iiji Gomoza Kabuki preservation society, but due to the spread of COVID-19, all activities had to be refrained from. Under these difficult circumstances, the Iwamura-cho Shishimai preservation society appeared at the online All-Japan Shishimai Festival, organised by the Shishi Museum, and broadcast a live Shishimai performance. The performance can still be viewed on YouTube. While the performances were cancelled, facilities and equipment were enhanced with the installation of fixed, backdrop and asagi curtains at Gomoza and Miyamoriza, and the installation and updating of sound and lighting facilities. In addition, Ena city will host a lecture by kabuki actor Iteu Nakamura in January 2021, and the postponed All Ji-kabuki performances organized by Gifu Prefecture will resume in April 2021, with the Ena city Ji-kabuki preservation societies also scheduled to perform. In preparation for this, the kabuki preservation societies in Ena city will resume their rehearsals in March 2021, and this project will document the rehearsals of the Iiji Gomoza Kabuki preservation society. In the town of Iiji, materials related to ji-kabuki are stored in the folk museum, and we are sorting through them to confirm their contents. Many of the kabuki scripts are handwritten they were interesting to understand how ji-kabuki has been passed on and how it was performed. There is also magazines compiled by the Youth Association, which shows the activities of the youth in Iiji, and we are currently analysing its contents.


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