Hunger Rumination Scale開発のパイロット研究 ―MB-EATに関する基礎研究―


  • Pilot Study to Develop a Hunger Rumination Scale: Basic Research on Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training
  • Hunger Rumination Scale カイハツ ノ パイロット ケンキュウ : MB-EAT ニ カンスル キソ ケンキュウ



Mindfulness in obesity treatment, led by mindfulness-based eating awareness training (MB-EAT), has been actively studied. One mechanism of action used in mindfulness-based therapies to treat anxiety and depression is to reduce ruminative thinking by observing thoughts as thoughts. Clinical experience in the treatment of obesity shows that thoughts and ruminations related to eating behaviours can also involve simple pleasures, such as not being able to stop thinking about attractive foods. However, research in this field is still limited and the mechanism of action in mindfulness-based obesity treatment is not fully understood. This study defines hunger ruminations as thought ruminations that have the power to induce eating behaviours, such as a sudden image of attractive food that a person cannot get it out of their mind. A pilot study was conducted to develop a scale to measure hunger ruminations. An open-ended questionnaire was administered to obese patients regarding their ruminations about food, and draft items for the scale were developed based on the questionnaire. The questionnaire was also administered to college students with a healthy body mass index (BMI) to check factor structure, reliability, and validity. The results, the clinical and research potential of this scale, and future development are reported.


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