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  • Utilization of Online Tools to Improve the Teaching Skills for Young Technical Teachers: Aiming to Create Classes Based on Work Style Reform and Efficiency

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OJT for young teachers in educational settings is becoming increasingly important. While there is a need to reform the way teachers work, OJT also needs to be promoted efficiently and effectively. By specifically recording the teaching material research and teaching method tips that veteran teachers have cultivated, and by sharing and consulting on the online tool OneNote, young teachers have been able to deepen their understanding. Furthermore, by recording online records using videos and photos in OneNote in real time, you can think of ways to connect learners’ tweets to the next lesson and devise ways to proceed with the lesson immediately after. Became. Since the points to be discussed are organized when reviewing after class, I am now able to provide advice and guidance regarding the class more efficiently. As mentioned above, this has yielded great results in terms of improved goal achievement and improved operational efficiency, leading to the growth of young teachers.


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