Energy condition of isothermal magnetoelectric switching of perpendicular exchange bias in Pt/Co/Au/Cr₂O₃/Pt stacked film

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Thi Van Anh Nguyen, Yu Shiratsuchi, Shogo Yonemura, Tatsuo Shibata, and Ryoichi Nakatani, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 233902 (2018);

Energy condition for isothermal reversible magnetoelectric switching of exchange bias was investigated using Pt/Co/Au/Cr₂O₃/Pt stacked films with different thicknesses of the antiferromagnetic layer (tAFM). We discussed the effective magnetic anisotropy energy of the antiferromagnetic layer (K eff AFM), the interface exchange coupling energy (J INT), and the offset electric field (E 0). The dependence of K effAFM on tAFM suggested that the magnetic domain wall motion significantly influenced the switching of the electric-field-induced magnetization similar to an ordinal ferromagnet. Below 0.025 mJ/m², J INT was equal to the exchange anisotropy energy (JK), and above 0.025 mJ/m², J INT exceeded JK, suggesting that JK is restricted by the magnetic domain wall energy. The dependence of E0 on tAFM revealed that E0 mainly arose from the interfacial uncompensated antiferromagnetic moment. The obtained results suggest that the energetic interpretation of static switching of electric-field-induced magnetization in Cr₂O₃ was similar to that of the ordinary ferromagnetic materials.


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