English Medium Instruction/Education in Bi-/Multilingual Settings from an English as a Lingua Franca Perspective

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  • バイリンガル/多言語環境の中での(共通語としての)英語(ELF)を媒介とした教育(MI/E)
  • バイリンガル タゲンゴ カンキョウ ノ ナカ デノ キョウツウゴ ト シテノ エイゴ ELF ヲ バイカイ ト シタ キョウイク MI E

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English-Medium Instruction/Education(EMI/E)has been promoted worldwide due to the acceleration of globalisation. This paper discusses various issues closely connected to the implementation of EMI, including CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning). In addition, by introducing the notion of ELF(English as a Lingua Franca), which, by definition, is often practiced in multilingual settings, it also confirms the close relation between EMI and bi-/multilingualism despite their being often discussed in conflicting terms. In this context, the E of EMI should naturally be understood as that of ELF. This might sound a matter of fact, however, in reality there is often a great gap between the actual use of ELF and language policy and practice in education. The paper highlights the gap by presenting data from the research by the author and her colleagues and confirms and reiterates that the full understanding and awareness of ELF use is essential for the effective implementation of EMI, which simultaneously leads to understanding of the role of mother tongue, heritage language and bi-/multilingual education as well as the practice of translanguaging.


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