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- イッパンケンジョウグン ニ タイスル サイミン ニ ヨル ジガ キョウカホウ(ES-AGR)ノ コウカ : ツヨイ シュビ イッカン カンカク(SOC)オ ユウスル ヒトビト ノ リソース ノ タンキュウ
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The study examined the effects of the Ego-Strengthening technique of Activates Generic Resources (ES-AGR) on mental and physical state in a general healthy population. The focus was on people with a Strong Sense of Coherence (SOC), who were able to mobilize more resources to cope with stress. The physical and mental state of 16 university students was measured before and after the ES-AGR and examined by SOC group. The results of the analysis showed that no difference between the Pre score and Post score of the mental and physical state could be confirmed, and the same was true when examined by group of SOC. However, certain effect sizes were shown, indicating that the ES-AGR may have a positive impact even in people with weak SOC. This was thought to be because the ES-AGR contained allusions to unremembered resources. In addition, the physical and mental status of two of the participants decreased from high values to around the theoretical median, but their free-text results were positive in both cases. In addition, descriptions that could be considered as accessing resources were identified for some of them.
- Journal of Human Environmental Studies
Journal of Human Environmental Studies 20 29-40, 2024-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050581235158199936
- NII Book ID
- AA12522031
- 033436340
- 21858365
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- NDL Search