日本のプライム市場上場企業における 女性役員の現状とダイバーシティの課題

機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Present of Female Executives and Diversity Problem in Japanese Prime Market Listed Companies
  • ニホン ノ プライム シジョウ ジョウジョウ キギョウ ニ オケル ジョセイ ヤクイン ノ ゲンジョウ ト ダイバーシティ ノ カダイ



According to the Cabinet Office, the proportion of female executives(directors, auditors, executive officers)among prime market listed companies(approximately 1,650 companies)is 13.4%(as of the end of July 2023). Among prime market listed companies, the ratio of companies without female executives is 10.9%(as of the end of July 2023). Among prime market listed companies, the percentage of female directors is 13.9%. The percentage of female corporate auditors is 12.2%. On the other hand, there are still few female executives in the executive department(management team), which can be seen as an issue in terms of promoting diversity. According to a survey by private companies, 90% of female directors among prime market listed companies are outside directors. The reality is that there are very few cases of women becoming directors within a company. The proportion of female auditors is similar. The board of directors is required to play the role of supervising management. It seems that internal personnel will not be able to fully fulfill this responsibility, so external personnel will be the main focus. The government requires prime market listed companies to have at least 30% female board members by 2030. In addition to directors and auditors, the term officers defined by the government includes executive officers or equivalent positions involved in day-to-day management. However, according to the government, 60% of prime listed companies do not have women in their management ranks. This is because emphasizing female executives has the effect of preventing organizations from making incorrect decisions. By influencing the board of directors with the diverse knowledge and ideas of women, the supervisory function of the board of directors will be strengthened. To promote diversity, there is an urgent need to promote women to internal executive positions, along with directors and auditors elected by shareholders.


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