Examination of Approaches to Conflicts in Psychological Distance During Adolescence: From the Perspective of Attachment Theory

  • KATO, Yume

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  • 青年期の心理的距離感の葛藤へのアプローチ方法の検討 --アタッチメント理論の観点から--
  • セイネンキ ノ シンリテキ キョリカン ノ カットウ エ ノ アプローチ ホウホウ ノ ケントウ : アタッチメント リロン ノ カンテン カラ

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During adolescence, relationships with peers, such as friends and romantic partners, become crucial assubstitutes for parental figures. Adolescents are still in the process of developing both their “self” andtheir “relationships.” They desire intimate relationships but fear being hurt through such interactions, andbecause their sense of self is not fully established, distancing themselves from others can also be difficult.Therefore, conflicts related to how to maintain psychological distance and intimacy with others aresignificant themes during adolescence. Attachment theory is relevant to these important intimaterelationships. This paper begins by providing an overview of attachment theory and then examinesconflicts related to psychological distance in relationships with peers during adolescence through the lensof attachment theory. Conflicts involve conscious dimensions as well as unconscious dimensions that aredifficult to consciously express, and this paper examines the way to approach the latter unconsciousconflicts. As a result, it is suggested that utilizing Image Cards of the Rorschach method focusing on theAffective Symbolism is useful.


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