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  • 2018ネンド トクシマ ダイガク ゼンガク FD スイシン プログラム ノ ジッシ ホウコク
  • 2018 Annual Report on Faculty Development Programs at Tokushima University

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Tokushima University's Faculty Development (FD) promotion programs started in 2002. They promote the systematization, organization and routinization of FD activities. In 2018, in addition to the regular FD programs, which included the Course Design Workshop, Classroom Observation and Discussion Meeting, the Teaching Portfolio Workshop and the University Education Conference, we conducted an FD seminar relating to the Ministry of Education's Acceleration Program for University Education Rebuilding (AP) for the teachers who teach in SIH Dojo classes, known as Introduction to Active Learning for First Year Students. To promote active learning on our campus, we also conducted another seminar called Teaching Improvement Workshop using Smartphones in the class. Moreover, we implemented FD for the newly established 'Internal Quality Assurance Policy of Education' and for the revised syllabus writing guidelines. We provide outlines of the respective programs and discuss the issues raised in the responses to the questionnaires.


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