<論文>中国朝鮮族のトランスナショナルな移動生活 : 在韓出稼ぎ女性のライフ・ヒストリーから

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  • <ARTICLES>A transnational life on the move for the Korean-Chinese : the life history of a migrant working woman in South Korea
  • 中国朝鮮族のトランスナショナルな移動生活 : 在韓出稼ぎ女性のライフ・ヒストリーから
  • チュウゴク チョウセンゾク ノ トランスナショナル ナ イドウ セイカツ : ザイカンデカセギ ジョセイ ノ ライフ ・ ヒストリー カラ



Nowadays, the number of the migrant workers in South Korea is said to exceed 450, 000 people. They constitute around 60 percent of the Korean-Chinese population that has moved overseas. As a result of the high rate of demographic shifts in the Korean-Chinese population, it is expected that an individual will build a different life-world in two or more nation-states after crossing the borders of those countries. In order to consider such a situation, it is necessary to adhere to an individual's micro-life experience of an individual. Therefore in this paper, I decided to focus on the migration history of a woman born in Yanbian.


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