How teoku (toku) are used in Japanese text corpora?:a comparison between Japanese native speakers and Japanese non-native speakers.

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  • コーパスから見た日本語母語話者と日本語学習者における「~ておく(とく)」の使用状況
  • コーパス カラ ミタ ニホンゴ ボゴワシャ ト ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ニ オケル 「~テ オク(トク)」 ノ シヨウ ジョウキョウ

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Japanese learners are likely to avoid grammatical expression "-teoku" and its shortened form "-toku" in their production. The previous study said "-teoku" has 3 grammatical meanings: (I) "to prepare" that is to do something to prepare for future (2) "to leave" that is to leave something as it is for a while, and (3)" to measure"; to do something as a measure. In this paper, we investigated how these meanings are introduced in the Japanese textbooks and how Japanese native/non-native speakers use "-teoku/toku" through the corpus analysis. As a result, the author found that "to prepare" is the most commonly introduced meaning in the Japanese textbooks and "to leave" and" to measure" are partly introduced. However, the most frequently occurring meaning was "measure" in the native Japanese corpus. And also "-teoku" and "-toku" are rarely used in the learners' Japanese corpus. Therefore, this paper proposes that the meaning of "measure" should be taught first. By doing this, it should be possible to increase learners use of "-teoku".



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