台湾の地方祭祀にみる民俗的健康観 : 小琉球における王爺の迎王祭典の事例から


  • タイワン ノ チホウサイシ ニ ミル ミンゾクテキ ケンコウカン ショウリュウキュウ ニ オケル オウヤ ノ ゲイオウ サイテン ノ ジレイ カラ
  • タイワン ノ チホウ サイシ ニ ミル ミンゾクテキ ケンコウカン : ショウリュウキュウ ニ オケル オウジ ノ ゲイオウ サイテン ノ ジレイ カラ
  • Taiwan no chiho saishi ni miru minzokuteki kenkokan : Shoryukyu ni okeru oji no geio saiten no jirei kara
  • Taiwanese folk health in the case of Wangye festival in Xiaoliuqiu




Since the concept of health was spread all over the world in the meaning of antonym of sickness, the society of anthropology has given a main place to "sicknesses", not to "health". However, before the concept of health comes into a local society, there must have been synonyms for it. So in this study the author uses "pingan (平安) ("peace" in Taiwanese) as the keyword and takes the case of Wangye festival (迎王祭典).  Wangye festival has a structure which is composed of greeting Wangye (王爺), brushing off wicked things and seeing Wangye off. By analyzing and explaining the participants' actions in the festival using the knowledge of folklore and anthropology. I interpret the meaning of pingan. After all, I reach the conclusion that pingan has some layers and each person add their own pingan over the base of pingan, which is health.



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