自然体験活動の場としての公設キャンプ場の現状と課題 : 徳島県立佐那河内いきものふれあいの里キャンプ場における過去15 年間の利用者情報から


  • シゼン タイケン カツドウ ノ バ ト シテ ノ コウセツ キャンプジョウ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ : トクシマ ケンリツサナカワチイキモノフレアイ ノサト キャンプジョウ ニ オケル カコ 15ネンカン ノ リヨウシャ ジョウホウ カラ
  • Current status and issues of a public campground as nature experience center based on facility usage data of the campground “Sanagochi Ikimonofureainosato” over the past fifteen years
  • シゼン タイケン カツドウ ノ バ トシテノ コウセツ キャンプジョウ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ : トクシマ ケンリツ サナゴウチ イキモノ フレアイ ノ サト キャンプジョウ ニオケル カコ 15ネンカン ノ リヨウシャ ジョウホウ カラ



One of the main operational goals of campgrounds is to satisfy public interest as a center for nature experience, owing to its educational and cultural roles. In this study, we have investigated the current status of a public campground “Sanagochi Ikimonofureainosato” based on facility usage data over the past fifteen years to provide information useful for campground management. Based on data, visitors from the Shikoku region accounted for 84.4% of the total, and those from Tokushima Prefecture and other three prefectures in the Shikoku region were 78.4% and 6.0%, respectively. Visitors from the Kinki region and the Kanto region occupied 8.0% and 3.6%, respectively, showing that the campground is accepting visitors nationwide. Visitors from the close-by Kinki region were mainly family users, whereas those from the distant Kanto region were generally single or pair travelers. Concerning large population of the two metropolitan regions, it would be effective to extract individual needs of the visitors from these areas for future promotion plans. The occupancy rate was low on the weekdays and months except with July and August, that coincide with a trend commonly seen in Japanese campgrounds. Because there is a feature that wildlife instructors are staff of the "Sanagochi Ikimonofureainosato" its further utilization is expected to be effective for the low season usage. Possible plans include guiding of field trips for educational institutions and arrangement of training programs for public facilities or corporations.




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