

  • トウ イン(アナンシ)ノ 2ガタ トウニョウビョウ カンジャ ノ ツイタチ ショクエン セッシュリョウ ニ カンスル リンショウテキ ケントウ
  • Clinical study on daily salt intake of patients with type 2 daibetes mellitus
  • トウイン アナンシ ノ 2ガタ トウニョウビョウ カンジャ ノ イチニチ ショクエン セッシュリョウ ニ カンスル リンショウテキ ケントウ



Recently daily salt intake of Japanese were declining lower 11g/day but over 12g/day in Tokushima prefecture. Furthermore those were indicated positive relationship salt intake and the contentment of daily sugar intake and then there were investigated daily salt intake by spots urine on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and essential hypertension together clinical parameters. Subjects were 238 patients with diabetes mellitus (108 males, 130 females, mean age 67.8±11.0yo.), 62 with nondiabetic hypertension (69.9±10.7yo.). The duration of diabetes mellitus were 10.3±8.8ys., blood pressure of these were 134±13/79±6mmHg, BMI were 24.3±3.5kg/m2, HbA1c were 6.81±1.21% (NGSP), urinary albumin were 101±231mg/g.Cre, salt intake were 9.5±2.4g/day respectively. From results there were indicated that male diabetic patients elevated urinary albumin and daily salt intake to compassion with females. HbA1c levels were decreased together aging but urinary albumin were increased with diabetic durations, in admission that's daily salt intake were tended to be related with HbA1c, BMI and urinary albumin. On comparison with and without hypertension urinary albumin of diabetic hypertension were higher nondiabetic patients. To concern with daily salt intake diabetic patients were increased from nodiabetic hypertension. To related with daily urinary Na excretion to be treated with and without DPP4‐I sitagliptin were slightly elevated from vildagliptin, and HbA1c levels of the later were higher. In conclusions, diabetic patients of Tokushima prefecture (Anan city) were much salt intake with sugar, and then it was thought that there were tented to thick tastes of diets


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