

  • Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
  • トウニョウビョウ ト メタボリック シンドローム



Type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing in Japan due to high-fat diet and decrease in physical activityin recent years, based on the genetic impairment of insulin secretion. Frequency of consultingclinics due to diabetes and prevalence of obesity in Tokushima Prefecture are both top-classedin Japan. Especially, the mortality rate due to diabetes is consecutively in the first place for 13years since 1993. The reason is not clarified yet, but the lack of daily physical activity is pointedout to be involved. Most of rapidly-increasing type 2 diabetic patients have the background of“metabolic syndrome”, based on visceral fat deposition arising from lifestyle deterioration. Therefore,risk factors easily accumulate on the same individual, leading to a high-risk state for thedevelopment of atherosclerotic diseases, even if diabetes itself is not so serious. It is needed tochoose diabetic treatment which, not only controls plasma glucose, blood pressure and serum lipidstrictly, but can improve insulin resistance. Needless to say the importance of diet and exercise toreduce visceral fat, it becomes important to use drugs with insulin-sensitizing potentials such asthiazolidinediones and rennin-anigiotensin system inhibitors.


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