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  • Syntactic Analysis of the Clitic Doubling of Indirect Objects in Romanian
  • ルーマニアゴ ニ オケル カンセツ モクテキゴ ノ クリティック ダブリング ゲンショウ ノ トウゴテキ ブンセキ



Romanian has a peculiar syntactic phenomenon called “clitic doubling”, which has been analyzed by certain linguists in the framework of generative grammar. What is quite interesting in the above constructions in Romanian is that there is a sharp distributional contrast between the indirect and direct object clitics. We argue, based on the analyses presented in Fujita(2003) and Fujita(2005), that this contrast can be explained by supposing the following syntactic conditions; i) indirect objects in Romanian bear the syntactic status of PP headed by the dative case marker, ii) clitic pronouns occurring in the clitic doubling constructions merge in the peripheral position in PP containing an element co-indexed with the corresponding clitic, whether they are direct objects or indirect ones, iii) indirect object clitics in Romanian bear the status of PP. These assumptions, along with our suggestions on the syntactic structures of the present constructions and the licensing conditions of these latter, enable us to explain quite complicated behaviors of clitic pronouns in the clitic doubling context in a principle-based manner.




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