House for the Joetsu Area in the Future
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- 上越地域でのこれからの住宅
- ジョウエツ チイキ デ ノ コレカラ ノ ジュウタク
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In the snowy Joetsu area, the people have made use of the "GANGI" since ancient times. The "GANGI" is a passage with large eaves. Many people living in this area build a "TAKAYUKA-SHIKI house", however people with a foot impediment will encounter some problems when they live in this house. Wesuggest an example of a house without a high level floor, where we can continue do live for our entire life. We propose the "GANGI" as a countermeasure against snowfall, and suggest a toilet next to the bedroom of the aged person. When the aged person has walking difficulties, we suggest the use of same kind of lifts. The following are several points of a fundamental view of the design of a house of the future. ① A house in which a wheelchair, can be used. ② A house with little manual snow-removal work. ③ Exclusion of barriers to both cold and heat. ④ A house without the danger offire. ⑤ A house that is based on environment protection considerations. ⑥ The use of building materials that do not produce harmful matter. ⑦ A house with a structure that facilitates care of the aged. ⑧ A house in which a patient can receive long-term home care. ⑨ A house with space in which the inhabitant feels at ease.
- 新潟県立看護短期大学紀要
新潟県立看護短期大学紀要 5 27-40, 1999-12
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050845762494846592
- NII Article ID
- 110007525106
- NII Book ID
- AN10556238
- 13428454
- 10631/432
- 5588083
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles