

  • Technical Trends of the 77-GHz MMIC Module Design Techniques for Automotive Cruise Control Applications
  • ミリハ ITSヨウ 77GHzタイ MMIC モジュール ノ セッケイ シュホウ ノ ゲンジョウ ト ショウライ テンボウ



This review paper presents the recent advances in 77-GHz MMIC module design techniques for automotive radar applications.The target of R&D activities is moving from high performance to low cost, mass production, high-yield manufacturingand testing. In order to meet the stringent requirements, millimeter-wave module design techniques have madesignificant progress especially in packaging, bonding, and making interface with other modules. In addition, millimeterwavesemiconductor devices and MMICs have made remarkable improvements for low cost and mass production. In thispaper, the topics focusing on millimeter-wave semiconductor devices and 77-GHz MMICs are reviewed first. Then the recent R&D results on 77-GHz MMIC module design techniques are introduced, showing the technical trend of packaging,bonding, and making interface with other modules for millimeter-wave, highly-integrated, low-cost MMIC modules. Finally,the existing and future module design issues for automotive radar applications are discussed.


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