Mediating Through Messages : Expert Knowledge in a Teleapprenticeship Project


  • Mediating Through Messages : Expert Knowledge in a Teleapprenticeship Project (Special Issue Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Letters)



The development of computer networking technology has enabled the conventional classroom to participate in learning communities extending beyond classroom walls. These learning communities make possible the types of environments advocated in recent theories of situated learning, particularly the cognitive apprenticeship model. The cognitive apprenticeship model enables novices to learn conceptual and factual knowledge as it is applied to real problems and complex tasks in a variety of contexts. Within this practice, experts externalize and make explicit processes that are usually carried out internally. As a result, novices acquire a web of skills, practices and knowledge, available in various contexts. Little is known about the nature of network pedagogical communication and how experts interact with novices. Network communication often lacks the history of face-to-face communication between teachers and students in which understandings of common knowledge would develop. In addition, there is no immediate mutual context to assist verbal communication. Experts and novices attempting to provide assistance through a network message must mutually construct the context in which communication occurs. Given the limitations of network communication mentioned above, how do participants communicating through network messages construct a common focus of attention and shared presuppositions? This study explores how contexts of learning are constructed and how assistance is provided within these contexts.






  • 英米評論

    英米評論 (14), 77-109, 1999-12-20

    堺 : 桃山学院大学総合研究所

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