Immaturity of outlook in new graduate nurses: Recognition of staff and new graduate nurses
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- Other Title
- 新卒看護師の精神的未熟さ・弱さに対するスタッフ看護師および新卒看護師自身の認識
- シンソツ カンゴシ ノ セイシンテキ ミジュクサ ヨワサ ニ タイスル スタッフ カンゴシ オヨビ シンソツ カンゴシ ジシン ノ ニンシキ
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This study investigated the recognition of staff and new graduate nurses to mental maturity of new graduate nurses by questionnaires. A survey of staff nurses involved in the clinical practicum of nursing students showed that most of them felt that new graduate nurses were immature in their outlook. Many stated that they would need to train the new graduate nurses taking the characteristics of today , s youth into consideration. In a survey of new graduate nurses and staff nurses working with them, many staff nurses responded that they felt immaturity of new graduate nurses in their outlook, while new graduate nurses rated themselves as less mature than other new graduate nurses. For specifics of immaturity, while the staff nurses pointed out the new graduate nurses , attitude toward work, lack of communication skills, and lack of motivation regarding nursing, the new graduate nurses put stress on their mistakes at work and lack of nursing skills. These results suggest that the staff nurses recognize the necessity to train the new graduate nurses taking their mental maturity into consideration and support them in cooperation of their workplace members.
- Bulletin, Nagano College of Nursing
Bulletin, Nagano College of Nursing 10 69-78, 2008-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050845762523202304
- NII Article ID
- 40016067152
- NII Book ID
- AA11478590
- 9513090
- 13451782
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles