「五感アートラボ」の構想と課題 : 教員養成教育のための教科横断型表現教育カリキュラムの開発


  • The Five Senses Laboratory : Creating Aesthetic Education Curriculum for Teacher-training Universities
  • ゴカン アート ラボ ノ コウソウ ト カダイ : キョウイン ヨウセイ キョウイク ノ タメノ キョウカ オウダンガタ ヒョウゲン キョウイク カリキュラム ノ カイハツ




The Five Senses Laboratory consists of the faculty members specialized in the arts education at the Miyagi University of Education and guest artists from various fields of artistic expressions. Its purpose is to establish a model of the aesthetic education curriculum for teacher-training colleges and universities combining visual arts, music, dance and literature by activating senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and so on. The guest artists have collaborated with the faculty members in creating an experimental "inter-arts" curriculum. The Lab has also collaborated with the regional cultural institutions to provide outreach programs for non-traditional art expression. The author, as the head investigator of the Lab, describes the basis and the background of this interdisciplinary curriculum formation executed from 2006 through 2008.


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