Hydroponic culture systems of Fast Plants (Brassica rapa L.) to learn about plant mineral nutrients

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  • ファストプランツの水耕栽培を用いた植物栄養解析システムとその教材化
  • ファストプランツ ノ スイコウ サイバイ オ モチイタ ショクブツ エイヨウ カイセキ システム ト ソノ キョウザイカ

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Hydroponic culture systems of Fast Plants(Brassica rapa L.) were developed in order to learn about plant mineral nutrients. An Enshishoho nutrient solution was selected as the most suitable culture medium for growth and development of Fast Plants in the hydroponic systems with quartz sand and gravel as supporting materials. The hydroponics was a good teaching tool to learn about plant mineral nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and used for experiments to study on a role of soil or fertilizer on plant growth and development.


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