藍藻Synechocystis sp. SY-4で栄養強化したシオミズツボワムシおよびアルテミアのオニオコゼ仔魚に対する餌料価値の検討


  • Food Value of the Rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, and the Brine Shrimp Nauplii, Artemia saliva, Enriched with Synechocystis sp. SY-4, for the Larvae of Devil Stinger Inimicus japonicas




藍藻Synechocystis sp. SY-4で栄養強化したシオミズツボワムシおよびアルテミアのオニオコゼ仔魚に対する餌料価値を検討した。試験区は,SY-4で培養を行ったワムシ給餌区(S-Z),SY-4とドコサ・ユーグレナで併用培養を行ったワムシ給餌区(SE-Z),ドコサ・ユーグレナで培養を行ったワムシ給餌区(E-Z),ドコサ・ユーグレナとクロレラω3で併用培養を行ったワムシ給餌区(EC-Z),クロレラω3で培養を行ったワムシ給餌区(C-Z)の5区を設けた。その結果,SY-4で培養を行ったワムシを給餌したS-Z区で最も大きい成長がみられ,生残率も86.7%(日齢18)と最も高かった。また,SY-4とドコサ・ユーグレナで併用培養を行ったワムシを給餌したSE-Z区においても,大きい成長がみられ,生残率も86.3%と高くなることが認められた。

Larva rearing of the devil stinger, Inimicus japonicas, was conducted in order to evaluate the food value of the rotifer, Brachionus Plicatilis, and the brine shrimp nauplii, Artemia saliva, enriched with a blue-green alga, Synechocystis sp. SY-4. The dietary value of these zooplanktons enriched with SY4(S-Z) or SY-4 and Euglena gracilis(SE-Z) was compared with that of zooplankons enriched by Euglena gracilis (B-Z), Euglena gracitis and Chlorella enriched with ω3 (EC-Z) or Chlorella (C-Z) by feeding these zooplanktons to the larval devil stinger for 16 days. In this connection the rotifers enriched with these microalgae after culture with Chlorella V_<12> was given to larvae. The growth of larvae fed S-Z was better than others (S-Z 11.3 mm vs. SE-Z 10.6 mm, E-Z 10.3 mm, C-Z 10.2 mm and CE-Z 9.9 mm in average T.L.), and, further more, the survival rate of the larvae fed S-Z was better than others(S-Z 86.7 % vs. SE-Z 86.3 %, E-Z 83.7 %, C-Z 77.0 % and CE-Z 86.0 %). Thus, the food value of S-Z for the larval devil stinger was highly evaluated.


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