- タイトル別名
- The Survey of Family Healthcare Status Related Behaviors for Children with Common Disease in the Eastern Nagano Area(The 2nd report)
- ナガノケン ヒガシシンチク ニ オケル ニュウヨウジ ニ ヨク オコル ショウジョウ ・ ビョウキ ニ タイスル カゾク ノ イリョウ コウドウ ノ ジッタイ チョウサ(ダイ2ホウ)
- The Survey of Family Healthcare Status Related Behaviors for Children with Common Disease in the Eastern Nagano Area(The 2nd report)
本研究は、乳幼児によく見られる症状・病気の発症に対して、家族がとる医療行動への支援を検討する。その為、長野県東信地区に居住する乳幼児を抱える家族1200 名を対象に、乳幼児をもつ家族の医療行動やニーズの実態を明らかにする質問紙調査を行った。 回収数361 名(回収率30.0%)であった。東信地区の乳幼児の家族の医療行動は、約半数が1か所のかかりつけ医療施設を決めていた。その理由は、友人からの情報である「医師の対応」と「家から近い」などの利便性や即時性であった。受診の症状は「発熱」が最も多く、看病が難しい症状は「嘔吐」であった。 サポートを受けられていると約8 割の家族が感じ、サポーターとして夫を挙げていた。今後は、医療行動に不安を抱えている家族やサポートを受けにくい家族への個別の対応と、母親以外の父親や祖父母への支援を広げていく必要があると考える。 This study investigated support provided to children who have symptoms and illnesses commonly seen in children and their families. A questionnaire survey of 1,200 family members of infants living in the Eastern Nagano Area was conducted to elucidate the healthcare-related behaviors and needs of families with infants. 30%(361)questionnaires were returned. Our investigation of the healthcare-related behaviors of families with infants in the Eastern Nagano Area indicated that approximately half families had decided on a single medical facility that they regularly visited. The bases for decision of the particular medical facility were issues related to convenience and time-saving such as “physician’s support” and “in proximity to home.” The most common symptom that led to medical facility visits was fever, and the symptom that was most diffi cult for families to deal with was vomiting. Approximately 80% of the family members felt they were receiving support, and identified their husbands as the people providing the support. It is necessary to provide individual support for family members who are anxious about their healthcarerelated behaviors in regard to their children or have fewer opportunities to receive support. Extending professional support to other family members in addition to mothers, including fathers and grandparents will also be important.
- 佐久大学看護研究雑誌
佐久大学看護研究雑誌 9 (1), 15-24, 2017-03
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050845762543991296
- 120006422728
- AA12410184
- 18836593
- 028104333
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles