成人期に発達障害を告知されたケースのライフステージからの検討 : 語りと手記から社会性の獲得を考える


  • セイジンキ ニ ハッタツ ショウガイ オ コクチサレタ ケース ノ ライフステージ カラノ ケントウ カタリ ト シュキ カラ シャカイセイ ノ カクトク オ カンガエル
  • A Case Study of How an Undiagnosed Asperger Syndrome Adult Achieved Significant Social Success




The present case study of a man with Asperger Syndrome unaware of his disorder until adulthood analyzes how he attained considerable skills and a measure of social success. There are few studies of such cases, but this is one of the most important fields as Special Support Education will soon be started in Japan. From interviews and written work the subjectÅfs process of achieving social success through his life stages was researched and examined. Currently he holds a good job and is a volunteer sports coach. The analysis aims to unravel how he attained occupational skills, and partially overcame his social interaction limitations without specialist social and educational support. The results of the analysis should indicate supports and opportune environments appropriate for Asperger Syndrome individuals. similar and further studies are required for the improvement of Special Support Education.



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